
Total users: 45

Youngest: 17

Oldest: 62

Avg Age: 34

Avg Income: 65-85K CAD

Common Locations: Plateau, Outremont, Griffintown, Verdun, Longueuil

Key Insights

The target user is a young working professional residing in one of Montreal’s wealthier neighborhoods. Their income is on the higher end of the national average salary.

75% of participants often or very often shop for furniture online, giving the reason that more convenience and a wider selection to find the perfect item.

85% of the participants use a mobile device

Participants NOT confirming a purchase online gave the reason “not enough customer reviews to make an informed decision”

70% of participants stated ‘finding the perfect item’ as their main reason for making a purchase online

98% of participants need the online retailer to offer a secure checkout, stating that card security and the threat of fraud online is a big worry

58% of participants stated they were more likely to commit to a purchase if there is over 25, 5 star reviews

Competitive Analysis